KettleHouse Brewing
Rebranding Montana’s Brewery
At 23 years old, KettleHouse Brewing is one of Montana’s most beloved craft breweries. And perhaps most remarkably, they’ve handled all of their branding and design work in house since day one. On one hand, this is amazing. On another, it created daily annoyances and inconsistencies across their portfolio. This led KettleHouse to reach out to discuss a rebrand that would stay true to their original look while setting them up for wider distribution.
After flying out to Missoula for a few days of field work, we ultimately helped their team through a brand audit and strategy process en route to updating their identity, packaging (spanning dozens of SKUs), website and brand launch plan. Check out a behind the scenes look at this process on our blog.

It was important to us to maintain the elements of our look that have stood the test of time through the rebrand. We wanted our customers to be able to scan the beer aisle and still be able to pick out our brand. CODO helped us do just that. They have a creative and efficient process and they made what felt like a monumental project less of a burden than we thought it would be.